Thursday, November 28, 2019

Air Force Enlisted Job Categories - General

Air Force Enlisted Job Categories - GeneralAir Force Enlisted Job Categories - GeneralThe Air Force offers two enlistment options for new recruits. The first one is guaranteed job, where the applicant has a specific job guaranteed in their enlistment contract. The second option is the guaranteed aptitude area, where applicants are guaranteed to receive a job in a specific aptitude area, but wont actually find out what the job is until they are in basic training. But the recruit will have a general idea as to what area he/she will be learning at the beginning of their military career immediately after Basic Military Training (BMT). The Air Force divides theirAFSCs (enlisted jobs)into the following overall categories OperationsMaintenance LogisticsSupportMedical DentalLegal ChaplainFinance ContractingSpecial Investigations A recruit will be told what area of skills they will be learning, but will have mora specific information than the seven categories above. Below are the Air For ce enlisted jobs which fall into the General aptitude area. Some of these are categorized general mainly due to the challenging nature of the training and education. There are no guarantees for instance for Air Force Special Warfare as the recruit has to qualify and pass extensive assessment and selection training to become a member of pararescue or combat control for instance. Click on the link for complete job description and other qualification criteria. Information in the parenthesis indicates the score required in the General Category of the Air Force ASVAB Composite Scores. 1A0X1- IN-FLIGHT REFUELING (G-53) 1A1X1C-FLIGHT ENGINEER (G-55) 1A2X1-AIRCRAFT LOADMASTER (G-55) 1A4X1-AIRBORNE BATTLE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS (G-53) 1C1X1-AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL (G-53) 1C2X1-COMBAT CONTROL (G-43) 1C3X1-COMMAND POST (G-48) 1C4X1-TACTICAL AIR COMMAND AND CONTROL (G-48) 1C5X1-AEROSPACE CONTROL AND WARNING SYSTEMS (G-53) 1N0X1-INTELLIGENCE APPLICATIONS (G-55) 1N1X1-IMAGERY ANALYSIS (G-64) 1N2X1-SIGNAL S INTELLIGENCE PRODUCTION (G-52) 1N3X1-CRYPTOLOGIC sprachwissenschaftler (G-69) 1N4X1-SIGNALS INTELLIGENCE ANALYSIS (G-58) 1N5X1-ELECTRONIC SIGNALS INTELLIGENCE EXPLOITATION (G-69) 1N6X1-ELECTRONIC SYSTEM SECURITY ASSESSMENT (G-52) 1T0X1-SURVIVAL, EVASION, RESISTANCE, AND ESCAPE TRAINING (G-53) 1T1X1-AIRCREW LIFE SUPPORT (G-30) 1T2X1-PARARESCUE (G-43) 1W0X1-WEATHER (G-64/E-50) 2A7X2-NONDESTRUCTIVE INSPECTION (G-43) 2F0X1-FUELS (M-44/G-39) 2R0X1-MAINTENANCE DATA SYSTEMS ANALYSIS (G-43) 2R1X1-MAINTENANCE SCHEDULING (G-43) 3C0X1-COMMUNICATIONS - COMPUTER SYSTEMS OPERATIONS (G-60) 3C0X2-COMMUNICATIONS - COMPUTER SYSTEMS PROGRAMMING (G-60) 3C1X2-ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM MANAGEMENT (G-43) 3C3X1-COMMUNICATIONS - COMPUTER SYSTEMS PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION (G-58) 3E5X1-ENGINEERING (G-48) 3E6X1-OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT (G-43) 3E7X1-FIRE PROTECTION (G-39) 3E8X1-EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE DISPOSAL (G-60/M-55) 3E9X1-READINESS (G-58) 3H0X1-HISTORIAN (G-69) 3M0X1-SERVICES (G-30) 3N0X1-PUBLIC AFFAIRS (G-69) 3N0X2-RADIO AND TELEVISION BROADCASTING (G-69) 3N1X1-REGIONAL BAND (G-30) 3N2X1-PREMIER BAND (G-30) 3P0X1-SECURITY FORCES (G-41) 3S1X1- MILITARY EQUAL OPPORTUNITY (A-45/G-43) 3S2X1-EDUCATION AND TRAINING (G-56) 3U0X1-MANPOWER AND QUALITY MANAGEMENT (G-64) 3V0X1-VISUAL INFORMATION (G-43) 3V0X2-STILL PHOTOGRAPHIC (G-43) 3V0X3-VISUAL INFORMATION PRODUCTION-DOCUMENTATION (G-58) 4A0X1-HEALTH SERVICES MANAGEMENT (G-43) 4A1X1-MEDICAL MATERIEL (G-43) 4B0X1-BIOENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING (G-48) 4C0X1-MENTAL HEALTH SERVICE (G-53) 4D0X1-DIET THERAPY (G-43) 4E0X1-PUBLIC HEALTH (G-43) 4H0X1-CARDIOPULMONARY LABORATORY (G-43) 4J0X1-OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY (G-53) 4J0X2-PHYSICAL THERAPY (G-48) 4M0X1-AEROSPACE PHYSIOLOGY (G-43) 4N0X1-MEDICAL SERVICE (G-43) 4N1X1-SURGICAL SERVICE (G-43) 4P0X1-PHARMACY (G-43) 4R0X1-DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING (G-43) 4T0X1-MEDICAL LABORATORY (G-58) 4T0X3-CYTOTECHNOLOGY (G-43) 4V0X1-OPTOMETRY (G-43) 4Y0X1-DENTAL ASSISTANT (G-43) 4Y0X2-DENTAL LABORATORY (G-64) 5J0X1-PARALEGAL (G-50) 5 R0X1-CHAPLAIN SERVICE SUPPORT (G-43/A-40) 6C0X1-CONTRACTING (G-70) 6F0X1-FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND COMPTROLLER (G-55) * 7S0X1-SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS (G-43) * SDI 8A100- CAREER ASSISTANCE ADVISER (G-45) * SDI 8B000- MILITARY TRAINING INSTRUCTOR (G-48) * SDI 8B100- MILITARY TRAINING LEADER (G-48) * SDI 8D000- LINGUIST DEBRIEFER/INTERROGATOR (G-69) * SDI 8E000- RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT TECHNICIAN (G-30) * SDI 8F000- FIRST SERGEANT (G-58/A-45) * SDI 8G000- UNITED STATES AIR FORCE HONOR GUARD (G-30) * SDI 8J000- CORRECTIONAL CUSTODY SUPERVISOR (G-35) * SDI 8P000- COURIER (G-32) * SDI 8R000- RECRUITER (G-30) * SDI 8S100- SENSOR OPERATOR (G-30) * SDI 8T000- PROFESSIONAL MILITARY EDUCATION INSTRUCTOR (G-30) * SDI 9D000- DORMITORY MANAGER (G-45) * SDI 9L000- INTERPRETER/TRANSLATOR (G-69) Note AFSCs (Jobs) with more than one score area listed, require a qualifying score in both areas. For example, in order to qualify for AFSC 5R0X1, Chaplain Service Support, one would need to score at least 43 in the General area of the Air Force ASVAB Composite Scores, and at least a 40 in the Administrative area of the Air Force ASVAB Composite Scores. * Indicates that the AFSC (Job) is a special duty assignment or other AFSC which is not available to initial recruits.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

10 Reasons Social Media Should Rock Your World

10 Reasons Social Media Should Rock Your World10 Reasons Social Media Should Rock Your WorldSocial mediaparticipation is an essential tool in networking with professional contacts, making new contacts, recruiting employees, and keeping in touch with the world. If youre bedrngnislage participating in the top social media and networking sites, the world is leaving you behind. Why not become involved on the social media Web sites while your participation can advance your Human Resources career, help you obtain superior employees by enlarging your candidate pool, and enable you to easily stay in touch with coworkers and former coworkers at one location. You will need to explore the possible social media sites to see which sites fit your needs for participation. Some sites specialize in certain industries and on specific topics. Some even focus on networking within regions and nations. Create profiles and participate in some activities on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Social media site s are a critical component in professional networking, career success, and career development going forward. Social media sites will play an increasing role in networking, career advancement, and professional success. Need convincing? These ten reasons make your HR social media time investment mandatory for your career and business success. Reasons to Get Social Stay in touch with colleagues and friends. If, like me, you have lost people over the years, look them up on the popular social media sites. You may find them. And, if your whole network is profiled and linked, youll never lose them again. Former colleagues, out-of-touch since the early eighties and nineties may reach out and add you to their professional networks at LinkedIn.Help colleagues find you. Many former colleagues, friends, and associates will likely find your profiles and contact you. . Find candidates for jobs. You can email your social network with job requirements and ask for referrals. Tap into the power o f your current employees networks by asking them to broadcast available positions to their networks. Were receiving top applicants from employee networks on LinkedIn and Facebook you can do the same. This is also one of the top ways to find passive candidates, people who may not currently be actively seeking work. Search on keywords to expand your contacts even beyond your network. As an example, you canuse LinkedIn for recruiting.Develop a recruiting network and a candidate pool of potential employees with skills that will become increasingly scarce. Especially as the baby boomers retire or seek part-time opportunities, determine where you will find the employees with technology, medical, and quality skills, as examples, that your organization will need for the future. Various social networks exist for a variety of career fields.Plant your foot firmly in the social networks that will provide the future employees for your organization. Develop the skills necessary to fully utilize t he potential of social media networking for HR and for your own career. Seek the assistance of your current employees, too. They are already networking on these sites (and wondering where you are). Your current employees want to help you find and recruit the kind of people with whom they want to work - and these potential employees are all on social networks. Find a new job. Desire to move on from your current employer for whatever reason? Use social media sites to assist you in your job search. Everything recommended for recruiting candidates is recommended for your HR job search. Take a look social media is a huge component of a current job search - or should be.Establish your erreichbar brand. Who are you? What expertise do you have? What do you want to be known for accomplishing? How do you want to be known and recognized by colleagues, other professionals, and potential employers? The information you put on your social media profiles will eventually serve you well to promote yo ur career progress - or, failing to develop an verbunden presence in social media - not at all.When a potential employer or a potential employee searches for your name in Google or another search engine, will the employer or potential employee find the credentials of a proficient professional? Will they find nothing at all? Or worst, will they find your unprofessional college profile, developed for friends and family at Facebook, and, oh my, look what friends have written on your wall Nothing at all and unprofessional pages or profiles do nothing to further your career or your job search. An increasing number of employers are searching your online presence.As an example of the visibility I am promoting, enter Susan Heathfield in a search engine. brde I looked, a professional profile emerged. You want the same results for your name. You want to establish your online image before you need it. Establishing this image can take awhile. Why are you waiting? Join groups that share your int erests, your community, or your profession. Facebook, as an example, allows you to create groups. There is a LinkedIn HR Group that you can join. Following people on Twitter also yields content recommendations for my website.For job searching leads, Twitter plays a role that is increasing. In 140 characters or less, its tough to apply for a job, but you can tell colleagues and employers that you are looking. Employers can tweet (broadcast a message) about available jobs and how to apply for them. People can also retweet (re-broadcast your jobs message) to their networks on Twitter. This will enlarge your field of potential, qualified candidates who receive news about your available jobs on Twitter.Twitter groups are increasingly scheduling in-person meetups so that people who are interacting online can meet face-to-face. The mid-Michigan group holds regular meetups Ill bet that meetups are available in your area, too. If you attend conferences or trade shows, Twitter is a great way to schedule get-togethers at the show.You can provide up-to-the-minute information about your location and availability for a meeting. We know a colleague who tweeted their availability to meet at a conference and had secured a job offer by the end of the show (pending confirmation by a comprehensive background check after the show, of course.) Develop social connections over time on social media sites.Sites such as Facebook allow much mora fun than the more professionally oriented LinkedIn. Connections send me karma and virtual plants from Facebook, as an example. While both of these sites started for young people, mature professionals are increasingly joining them. Despite the fact that a friends daughter tells us we are too old for Facebook, it is increasingly populated by professionals, too. In fact, mature professionals were, last I checked, the fastest growing segment of new participants.Be careful what you share to safeguard that professional imagereferenced above, but dont doubt its power to expand your relationships. An added plus? College students, whom you may want to recruit, populate these sites and are well-versed in their use and comfortable reaching outfromthem. One of our nephews disappeared fromemailrecently another niece sent him a message on Facebook and he was back in touch with me that day - onmy Facebook wall. Provide a space in which the users of your product or service can interact with you.Consumers want to have a conversation with you about their wants and needs. They want to tell you how you can better serve them. Many of them want to builda communityaround products or services that they love. Give them the opportunity.Blog, sponsor userforumsand answer user comments.Use your customers feedback to improve its much easier to zap a note off to you on Facebook, or to comment on yourblogthan it is to write a letter to an anonymous company address. Be out there. Interact.Zappos, the only shoe store I purchase from anymore, has alively f eedon Twitter. Its just one example. And, if you need a strategy for helping your customers find you and talk with you, go where they are already talking and join the conversation. In fact, do this, too. Builda communityaround your product or service.Are the people who are the face of your company approachable, likable, knowledgeable, and out there in social media? You need to find these people and nurture them. They are increasingly the voice of your company. More than paid media opportunities, such as ads, television commercials, and traditional mass media approaches, the online world seeks company and product evangelists who build a community of people who follow them and whom they follow. Word of mouth marketing/advertising (WoM) provides the most powerful opportunity for you to reach people and for people to reach you.Forums and blogs on your company website, forums and blogs within your Human Resources Intranet, and other online community opportunities build this sense of comm unity. Both within and outside of your company, you need to develop relationships. They are your communicationlifeline- for employees, for mutually beneficial networks, and for your continuing career advancement. Create them use them value them benefit from them. Finally, Betsy Weber ofTechSmithCorporation sent us a note worth heeding.?Your company, in addition to individual employees, needs to establish a company presence on significant social media sites.The recent Cone Business in Social Media study indicates that 93% of Americans believe that a company should have a presence on social media sites and 85% believe that these companies should use these services to interact with consumers. Of the study responders60% of Americans regularly interact with companies on a social media site,43% of consumers say that companies should use social networks to solve the consumers problems, and41% believe that companies should use social media tools to solicit feedback on products and services. The Internet has opened up communication across world boundaries. Why not use its social media components to expand your network, enhance your career, add friends, make connections, recruit employees, find people with scarce skills, develop candidate pools of passive potential employees, and enlarge yourworldview? Were participating. Why not you, too?

Thursday, November 21, 2019

A Brief History of the M4 Carbine Assault Rifle

A Brief History of the M4 Carbine Assault RifleA Brief History of the M4 Carbine Assault RifleAdopted by the U.S. Army in the mid-1990s, the M4 assault rifle is a modern version of the M16, which U.S. soldiers have been using in battle since the Vietnam War. The most current version of the M16- the M16A2 Commando- welches at one time the combat weapon of choice for the U.S. Marine Corps. The M4 and M16 rifles are very similar weapons.The M4 has proven popular among soldiers because of its compact size, which is helpful in close-quarter firefights and allows for easy movement in combat zones. The M4 uses 5.56-millimeter caliber bullets. The M4 has also benefited from its customization. Some versions of the rifle offer several attachments, including sight mounts, flashlights, grenade launchers, and shotguns. The rifle has also earned a reputation for having excellent accuracy, out-scoring the rival AK-47 assault rifle in several tests. M4 Problems in Desert Environments Despite its popularity, use of the M4 carbine assault rifle in desert environments and urban areas has been problematic. Soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan have found that the weapon frequently jams in dusty and sandy locations, requiring that the rifle is frequently cleaned and maintained at all times. The age of the weapon coupled with a growing number of complaints has led the U.S. Army to start replacing the M4 assault rifle. In2009, the U.S. Army took ownership of the M4 entwurf from its manufacturer Colt Defense LLC. A year later, Army officials put forward a number of changes for the M4 design to Congress. Weapons Similar to the M4 Assault Rifle There are weapons that are similar to the M4 in design and functionality. These weapons include the Colt ACC-M, Barett REC7, and the Robinson XCR. Heckler Koch HK 416 An assault rifle that was developed by the U.S. Army Delta Force to build on the M4 carbine design with enhancements that reduce misfires and malfunctions. This weapon is used b y several NATO members- notably, the French special forces and German commandos. Barrett REC7 The REC7 consists of an upper receiver that is attached to the lower receiver of the M4 weapon. Designed by Barrett Firearms Company, the REC7 is compatible with many of the M4s accessories and offers enhanced night vision and other optics used in combat. Robinson Armament XCR Originally developed for U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM), the XCR is a multi-caliber weapon that is compact and boasts a gas piston weapon system similar to the AK-47 assault rifle. Changes in caliber can be accomplished by soldiers in only a few minutes during high-stress combat scenarios. Colt ACC-M Essentially an upgraded M4 assault rifle from the weapons manufacturer. The ACC-M has been designed to allow for easy and inexpensive upgrading of the M4 with only the rifles upper receiver being replaced.